Integrating with Travis CI

To integrate npm Enterprise with Travis CI you need to generate a .npmrc that references your npm Enterprise instance and its credentials:

this tutorial assumes that you have already configured your CLI client.

Option 1) Fetch your npm Enterprise secret token:

Look in your ~/.npmrc file, you will see an entry that looks something like this:


Copy [my-secret-token] somewhere safe.

Note: you should never make this token public.

Option 2) Generate a deploy token:

Rather than using [my-secret-token] from your ~/.npmrc file, you may opt to generate a deploy token on npm Enterprise:

  1. SSH into your npm Enterprise server.
  2. Run npme manage-tokens generate.
  3. Copy this token, for use in the next step.

Now that you have a token

  1. On Travis CI or your Travis Enterprise server, create an environment variable called NPM_TOKEN and set this equal to [my-secret-token].
  2. Create a .travis.yml file in your project, that looks like this:

    language: node_js
     - "node"
     - printf "@mycompany:registry=\n//${NPM_TOKEN}" >> ~/.npmrc
    • @mycompany: should be the scope that you've chosen for yourself.
    • should be the full address of your private registry, including scheme and port.
    • should be the address of your private registry, including port.

That's all there is to it! When you kickoff builds on Travis, it should now be able to install modules from private npm Enterprise server.

Automating Publishes

With Travis CI's Deployment functionality you can automatically publish to npm Enterprise when a build passes on a specific branch or git tag.

To enable Travis CI deploys:

  • On Travis CI, or your Travis Enterprise server, create an environment variable called NPM_TOKEN and set this equal to [my-secret-token].
  • Add the following line to your .travis.yml:
  provider: npm
  api_key: $NPM_TOKEN
    tags: true
  • Add a publishConfig.registry entry to your package.json, pointing to your private registry:
 "publishConfig": {
   "registry": "http://my-npme-server:8080"

A detailed working example of Travis CI Deploys can be found in the repo travis-deploy-example.

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