Using Microsoft Azure


To get npm Enterprise up and running on Microsoft Azure, you first need:

...then we'll help you to:

  1. Set up and deploy an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM.
  2. Install Node.js and npm.
  3. Install npm Enterprise.
  4. Set up endpoints for the admin panel, registry, and website.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Get a VM Up and Running

Follow this tutorial for setting up an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM.

While setting this up, make sure to:

  • Pick a size that has at least 8 GB of RAM. We strongly recommend 16 GB.
  • Take note of the name of the Security Group you assign. We'll need to edit it in Step 3.

Feel free to make any other configurations you wish. Once you are set, deploy your VM and move on to Step 2!

Step 2: Install npm and Node.js

Now that you have a VM deployed, let's install npm and Node.

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm i -g npm@latest
node -v && npm -v

Step 3: Install npm Enterprise itself

sudo npm i npme -g --unsafe

To confirm that it worked, type npme. If the install succeeded you should see the npme help screen, which looks like this:

npme help in terminal

Step 4: Set up Endpoints

There are now 3 web services running on 3 ports on your VM. In order to access these outside of the VM, we'll need to create rules to allow them to be accessed. The ports we need to configure are:

Service Port
Administrator Panel 8800
Registry 8080
Website 8081

Step 5: Configuring npm Enterprise

Open your favorite web browser, access your server on port 8800, and follow the prompts to configure and start your appliance.

For more information on configuring npm Enterprise, read these docs.

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