Getting Started

npm Organizations are a great way to [manage access to packages], particularly if you are collaborating 3 or more people. This page will teach you how to navigate the web interface to create an npm Organization.

1. Sign up for an npm Account and Log In

To create an Organization, you need to login to the npm website. Don't have an npm user account? No problem, you can sign up for one here.

2. Create an Organization

Once you are logged in, navigate to your profile page. From there, you should see three (3) links under the "Your Account" heading. Click "create an organization".

If you are already logged in, you can also go directly to

3. Name Your Organization and Choose Your Plan

Give your Organization a name! Choose wisely as changing your Organization is complicated and requires contacting npm Support. Learn more about renaming and/or deleting your Organization.

Would you like to convert your current user account to an Organization? Want to use your current user scope as an Organization scope? Learn more about migrating a user account.

Once you've named your Organization, you'll need to choose a plan. Currently, npm offers 2 plans:

  • free: public packages only
  • paid: install and publish private packages ($7/user/month)

For example, if you have 3 users, an Organization that only needs public packages will be entirely free. However, if your Organization needs to install and publish private packages, it will cost $21/month ($7/month*3 users).

You can change your plan at anytime through the billing panel. For more information on the features of each plan, visit our pricing page.

Once you have chosen your plan, click the big red "Create an Organization" button.

4. Enter Payment Information (paid Orgs only)

If you chose an Organization with access to Private Packages, clicking the big red "Create an Organization" button will bring up a Stripe Payments prompt. Enter the email address you'd like associated with billing (this does not have to match the owner's email), as well as billing address and credit card information.

You can change your billing info at anytime through your Organization's billing page.

Your credit card will be immediately billed $7 for a single user, the account of the person creating the Organization.

5. Add Members to your Organization

Now that you've created your Organization, you are given the ability to add members. You can add members to your Organization at any time, so feel free to skip this step if you aren't ready to add users yet.

The user who created the Organization is:

To add users to your Organization, enter their npm username into the text input and click the red button that says "Invite". If you chose an Organization with Private Package access, every user will add an additional $7/month to your bill.

When you add a member to your Organization they are immediately added. They do not receive an email, so please let your new members know that you have added them.

All the users you add from this interface are:

If the person you would like to add to your Organization does not have an npm username, they'll need to create an npm user account. You can send them this link to sign up.

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